Your room photos are shown on your booking screen and in your iBex brochure and are one of the main selling tools for your room types and your property. It's easy to update them which can be done at anytime.

Max photo size is 2MB.
The multi property and multi room photos are displayed on your public booking screen – the primary photos are in your iBex property brochure, and also on the Property Details section on your booking screens.




Adding a photo

  1. Select Manage Property Images link (under Settings -> Property in your iBex menu).
  2. You can check which photo's are which by selecting the View button for any photo.
  3. To add a photo, scroll down the bottom for instructions to upload a new photo from your computer - as seen below:


Deleting a photo

  1. Select Manage Property Images link (under Settings -> Property in your iBex menu).
  2. You can check which photo's are which by selecting the View button for any photo.
  3. To delete a photo, click on the circle at the beginning of the Photo title so it is selected and click Delete.



