Booking Source Comparison Report


The purpose of this report is to provide information on where your bookings are coming from. The sources include:

  • Sales Channels such as Expedia, etc
  • Your website (split into mobile device bookings where screen resolution is < xx and desktop or tablet based bookings)
  • Self which includes all back end or self entered bookings directly into your PMS.


To activate the report, click on the Booking Source Comparison option in the Report menu group and it will open the Booking Source Comparison report screen as per the example below:


Source Filter - this is how the booking was made and has the following options:

  • All - for all booking sources that include sales channels, website bookings made from a desktop or tablet device, website bookings made from a mobile device (screen resolution < xx by xx) and self made bookings entered directly into the PMS.
  • Online Only - which excludes self made bookings entered directly into the PMS
  • Exclude Channels - which excludes all sales channels and displays all website sourced bookings and self entered bookings.
  • Mobi & Desktop - this displays bookings made from your website only but breaks them into those made on a mobile device where resolution is < xx by xx and those made on a standard resolution device such as a desktop or tablet.

Period Filter - this initially opens with the current month and year for both from and to periods. However any period range can be entered and in this example, the period is from Jan 2016 to May 2016. The period can either be related to the dates the bookings were created (Sold On option) or the date of arrival for the booking (Arrival option).

Compare Period - This allows the report to be compared to a previous period. It will initially be blank with no period comparison. The options include:

  • Same period last month. If the period was set from May 2016 to May 2016, then the previous period would be from April 2016 to April 2016. If the period was set from January 2016 to May 2016, the previous period would be from
  • December 2015 to April 2016.
    Same period last year. If the period was set from May 2016 to June 2016, then the previous period would be from May 2015 to June 2015.

In the example below, we are comparing the current period (May 2015) with the previous period (April 2015).

Report Fields

The report fields are explained as follows

  • Property - this is the property name and is most useful for multi property accounts.
  • Online Source - if a sales channel, it will display the channel name eg Mobile refers to bookings made via your website using a mobile device with low resolution like a smartphone. Website refers to bookings made via your website using a device with standard resolution eg desktop, laptop or tablet. Self refers to bookings made direct into your PMS via walk ins, phone calls or email requests.
  • Bookings - the number of bookings in the reporting period along with the percentage breakdown.
  • RoomNights - the number of rooms x nights for the bookings in the reporting period along with the percentage breakdown.
  • Revenue - the amount charged to the customer along with the percentage breakdown.
  • Average Rate - the average daily rate which is the revenue divided by the room nights.


This report can be exported to a file for analysis by other programs eg Excel. The export will match the date showing on the screen i.e. it will export the same records as seen on the screen that is a result of the filters chosen.