The Occupancy and Revenue report provides information on the occupancy and revenue earned by room units over a specific period. Its purpose is to measure the effectiveness of each unit in the property in terms of how effectively it is booked (occupancy) and the income earned from it (revenue or yield).

Whether units are included in the report depends on the following:

  • Whether the unit belongs to a unit type that is to be included in this report.
  • Whether the unit has been deleted but the option to include deleted units in this report has been set.
  • Whether the property the unit is part of has been disabled but the option to include disabled properties in this report has been set.
V4 Operation

To open the Occupancy & Revenue Report, select it from the Finance submenu. This will bring up the report which is in three parts: the filter selections, the graph and the results as shown below:




Included Units

Whether specific units are included in this report or not depends on whether the units are part of a unity type that is to be included or not. Units not available for bookings should not be included in the report for example dummy units used to manipulate bookings. To set this, click on the Manage Unit Types menu option in the Units menu group and this will open the following screen:

In this example, all units in the Cabin, Motel and Camping unit types will be included in the Occupancy & Revenue Report but any units in the Dummy unit type will not.

Report Fields

​The report fields are explained as follows:


(note only displayed if a multi property) the property name which is of value for multi property accounts or those who use cross property units where the unit can belong to more than one property and the report can filtered on all or selected properties. For example a unit may be configurable as a holiday park cabin or a motel and the occupancy can be limited to sales as a motel or cabin only.

Room Unit

The physical room unit being reported on. Note that clicking on the link will display details of all the bookings that make up the reported figures. For example, if we click on the room unit link for the following report unit in red:

We will get the following screen:

Note the totals of this screen match the totals of the summary screen above.

Available Nights

The total number of nights available for bookings over the date range. Excludes any nights where the unit was not available eg out for maintenance.

​Booked Nights

The number of booked nights for the unit over the date range.


The ratio of room nights to available days (nights) expressed as a percentage.

​Suggested Revenue

The gross revenue as suggested by the system at the time of the booking.

​Actual Revenue

The gross revenue as recorded by the system at the time of the booking.

​Cost of Sale

The value of any commissions or discounts offered to any agent or company associated with this this booking.

​Net Rev

The Actual revenue less the cost of sale.

Dynamic Revenue

The Dynamic Revenue offset used at the time of booking

​Average Daily Revenue

The actual or gross revenue averaged over the number of nights stay


The ratio of actual revenue to suggested revenue as a percentage. It is not related to any discounts given to a company as this is recorded in the cost of sale. It simply reflects whether a discount or markup was added to the rate independent of any company discounts or commissions.

Commission Revenue

Applies only to those who have units owned by 3rd parties and reflects the management fee earned on the booking for that unit.

Available Hours

The number of hours the unit is available for over the selected date range. This is based on the Expected Booking Hours set on the unit, less any exclusions in place. This is only of interest for hourly based bookings & rate types.

Booked Hours

The number of hours that has been booked over the selected date range. This is only of interest for hourly based bookings & rate types.

Hourly Occupancy (%)

The Booked Hours versus the Available Hours represented as a percentage. This is only of interest for hourly based bookings & rate types.

V3 Operation
V4 Filter Fields

Filter Fields

​The filter fields are explained as follows:


Select the start and end date to display bookings that have an occupancy within those date ranges. For example, searching 1 April to 30 April, a booking checking out on 1 April will not be included as they will not have occupancy for the night of the 1st but a booking checking in on 30 April will be included.

​Compare Period

This allows you to compare the current period with the same date range in a previous period.

For example, if the dates where 1 April 2017 30 April 2017, then selecting same period last month would select the range 1 March 2017 to 31 March 2017 (it takes into account the corrected last day of the previous month). If selecting the same period last year it would select the range 1 April 2016 to 30 April 2016.
For an example of a period comparison report, see the example below:

Show Revenue From

This controls whether room revenue, extras revenue or both will be included in the result.


Deleted Units: The option to include units that have subsequently been deleted. This is useful for viewing historical periods where the units were active.

Zero value bookings as room unavailable: This is applicable only for properties that have 3rd party unit owners where bookings made by the unit owners are recorded as $0 rated bookings. Ticking this option will treat $0 rated bookings as exclusions. Not applicable if unit owner bookings are already recorded as unit exclusions which will have the same effect.

​​Group By

This allows the report to be filtered on property, unit types or unit reporting groups. The property selector allows the report to include all properties, a single property or multiple properties.
Unit type selector will display the units in their assigned unit type
Unit reporting group allows reporting only on those units that are assigned to the reporting groups to be used for the report. This allows much more variety of reporting as units can belong to one or more reporting groups. An example of a reporting group would be units that are of a particular type eg single room units vs twin room units. Another might be by unit owner. Below is an example of the report on unit reporting groups.

For more on unit reporting groups and how to set them up, refer to the Search Units screen from the Settings Menu group and select an existing unit. You will see the reporting group functionality as per the example below:


This allows the report to be filtered based on the booking source. The options are website bookings, staff user bookings (backend bookings) or companies, agents & channel bookings


If companies, agents & channel has been selected as a ‘source’ you will then have the option to narrow down the filter even more by selecting either single or multiple companies, agents and channels


This controls whether the revenue is displayed inclusive or exclusive of tax.

Unit Name

Select whether you want the unit full name, unit name or both to be displayed on the report

V3 Filter Fields
V4 Exporting

Exporting Report Details

​The report has an export button which if clicked will create an export file via the following formats:

Excel Spreadsheet (xlsx)
Excel Spreadsheet (xls)
Comma Delimited (csv) (please note that the csv does not contain calculated subtotals)

Clicking the Export button of this screen will create the export file.

V3 Exporting