Your rate description is shown on your booking screen and is one of the main selling tools for your room types and your property. It is easy to update your rate type description and this can be done at any time.

Rate descriptions will also be provided on booking receipts and on your iBex property brochure.


  1. In iBex, select Search Rates in the Rates section in your menu.
  2. Click on the ID that you want the description to apply to.
  3. Enter the details in the Description/Inclusions field.
  4. Click Save button.
  5. Repeat as required for other rates.


iBex will then automatically update your public booking screen and your property brochure. It is recommended that you check that it is updated correctly by going to your booking screen on your website and clicking on the rate details name for the description.

Tip - Entering a description in the rate description/inclusion field will transmit a deal description to BookIt and Wotif.
After any extensive modification of your rates/prices within iBex it is recommended you perform a full re-synch to Bookit. Click here for instructions.