Account Plan Management User Guide


Dynamic Rates is a new enhancement that will allow for dynamic adjustment of prices in iBex based on occupancy levels. Operators can set up pricing rules against each individual rate, indicating that when the mapped occupancy threshold for each room changes, the prices are adjusted accordingly in iBex and also out to channel connections.

Dynamic rates are restricted to rate types mapped to one room type only. This requirement is due to the enormous technical changes allowing multiple rooms to work.

There is a job setup to sync the rate rule modifiers, this job will run a check against every property that has Dynamic Rates turned on and rate rules setup. The system will loop through each rate, checking the rules against the availability and removing any previous rate rule modifiers and applying new ones. It will then send a request off to the Interface Scheduler notifying of a rates update.

Note: The pricing updates will not be instantaneous. We will send the updates every 30 minutes.

Updates to prices will be applied periodically. Updates that occur on the fly can possibly cause too many updates to feed through to channels (some channels can take half an hour to apply a rate).

This feature is driven by a PMS option called ‘Dynamic Rates’. Accounts will be required to have the option activated for any of these described features to be available.