Offline Data Backup

The offline data checker will enable Seekom iBex PMS users to check basic booking details during a scheduled outage - as long as you have accessed and downloaded the data prior to the scheduled outage.

Access to the internet will be required when syncing the phone/tablet, but after that the system should be usable with no internet access.

Any iBex staff user with user type set to Full Admin or Front Desk Starter, Basic or Advanced are able to use this feature. Sharing accounts cannot be encouraged by Seekom due to our T&C forbidding it.

It should work on most devices, however older tablets and phones may lack the browser features needed for this to completely work offline.

This is ultimately still a website page, not a phone/tablet application. Functionality is limited to what mobile browsers will allow. In this case it does limit the amount of data stored down to what’s valid and a period either side, but the full history isn’t plausible.