The mobi booking screen is not a separate template in that each full booking screen template has separately configurable mobi settings.

mobileIf you have the new generation booking screens active in your website then the mobi booking screen will automatically be presented to website visitors using small screen devices.

While you may not need to make any changes we recommend at the very least you set the web address to return to your website from the mobi booking screen (General Tab > Additional Options Section) and ensure font sizes  are sufficiently large enough (Styling Tab > General Styles Section). This and more will be covered in the instructions below.

Step Action
1 From left menu, Website Feed group select 'Search/Maintain Booking Screens'
2 Click ID of required template to open.
 Template creator will open, starting at General Fields Tab  - please toggle section headings below in order for information to complete.
3  Set Template Mode field as 'Mobile Template'. See example image below.

FBS mobi


FBS mobi general

Field completion instructions below.


Adult Label:​ Amend default text as required.

Child Label:​ Amend default text as required.

Infant Label:​ Amend default text as required.



Click + adjacent to section title to expand if required (see image below).

FBS filter options

FBS filter options

Field completion instructions below.

Order Selector: Select option for room ordering.

This controls the order you would like your room types displayed on the booking screen. Choose to Show or Hide (which will set random ordering).
Selecting show will use the room order set in iBex as a default, or you can over ride by selecting in teh drop down selector (see image below).

Room Order Filter

Room Selector: ​Set options as required.

This field controls the maximum units allowed to be booked in a booking. Select to Show or Hide this option. The subsequent numeric entry fields set the maximum bookable by Public and then Agents.

Promo Code Field: Set to show or hide as required.

The Promo Code field will show at the top of the Booking Summary page of the booking process. To set up a promo code, you will need to ensure that this iBex Add-On is enabled in for your account. Please contact Seekom Support directly for Promo Code activation. For help setting up a Promo Code, please go to the following link:


Click + adjacent to section title to expand if required (see image below).

FBS additional options

FBS mobi additional options

Field completion instructions below.

Credit Cards: Set as required.

If set as ‘Unticked’ the payment screen will be bypassed. If set as ‘Ticked’ one of the following options will be presented

  • No deposit:  iBex Vault screen will be displayed for credit card entry.
  • Deposit or full payment:  Payment gateway screen or iBex Vault screen will be displayed for credit card entry- depending on whether or not you have a payment gateway connected (eg. DPS, SagePay, etc.).

Link back to address:​ Set this as the address of your website (make sure the web address commences with http://).

We strongly suggest the Link back to address field is completed.

Rooms Remaining:​ Set to show or hide as a required.

Default Stay:​ Set default length of stay (nights) as required.

Full Rate: ​Set to show or hide as a required.

Often known in the industry as a rack rate, this is the rate at which the room is sold at it’s highest price (ie. full occupancy and peak season or event pricing).

The rate is set in the Rack Rate field on the Property Maintenance > Search/Maintain Room Types > then select a room.

Hot Deal Flags:​ Set to show or hide as required and then configure (if show is selected).

The hot deal flag will appear on the front booking screen once the rate has ‘dropped’ the set % below the full room rate set (refer full rate field above).

Promo Text:​ Enter as required.

Replaces the current Lead in Special field which was set on the property page. Styling and images entry (through HTML) is supported.

You can include tags to automatically pull through information from iBex by clicking on <> (top right in example image above) and selecting required tag to insert.

How Found?: ​ Set to show or hide as required.

Click here for instructions to set how found sources.

Offer Newsletter?: Set to show or hide as required.

Limited Space: Set to show or hide as required and then configure (if show is selected).

​Setting a number in the spinner and then choosing either percent or fixed will display the ‘limited space’ message on the select accommodation page if the limit is meet.

On completion of all fields, select 'Next' button to proceed to Guest Fields tab.

guest fields tab

Field completion instructions below.


Confirm Email:​ Select from options of Optional, Mandatory or Hide.

Mandatory means email address must be entered twice, optional means email address can optionally be entered a second time, hide means no field for second entry of email address is presented.

First Name:​ Select from options of Optional, Mandatory or Hide.
Last Name:​ Select from options of Optional, Mandatory or Hide.
Daytime Ph No:​ Select from options of Optional, Mandatory or Hide.
Mobile Ph No:​ Select from options of Optional, Mandatory or Hide.
Fax:​ Select from options of Optional, Mandatory or Hide.
Postal Address:​ Select from options of Optional, Mandatory or Hide.
Suburb/Town:​ Select from options of Optional, Mandatory or Hide.
City/Town:​ Select from options of Optional, Mandatory or Hide.
Post Code:​ Select from options of Optional, Mandatory or Hide.
Country:​ Select from options of Optional, Mandatory or Hide.

All above in reference to lead guest making the booking.

The less fields you can make compulsory the less booking bail out you are likely to experience. Consider sending an auto email after booking to collect further information. See Create Email Templates and Scheduling Email Templates.


Guest Names:​ Select from options of Optional, Mandatory or Hide.
ETA:​ Select from options of Optional, Mandatory or Hide.

On completion of all fields, select 'Next' button to proceed to Confirmation tab .

Field completion instructions below.


confirmation screen

Enter/amend text here to display on the final booking stage -  confirmation. Styling and images entry (through HTML) is supported.

To add any further tags to automatically pull through information from iBex click on <> (top right in example image above) and select required tag to insert.


cancellation screen

Here you can enter/ modify text displayed on the booking cancellation screen (if you have enabled online cancellation).

To add any further tags to automatically pull through information from iBex click on <> (top right in example image above) and select required tag to insert.


facebook- ike

Complete facebook settings as desired.

Your facebook URL is your facebook page address commencing with https:// - for example Seekom's is


twitter follow

To enable your Twitter follow button you enter only your Twitter account ID (not your full Twitter URL) - for example seekom


confirmation email

Brochure Link: Check if you wish a link to your brochure to be sent with booking confirmation email.

Unit details on receipt: Check if required.

Confirmation Email from: Set as to whom the confirmation email will show as coming from.

On completion of all fields, select 'Next' button to proceed to Styling tab.


Field completion instructions below.

Click + adjacent to section title to expand if required (see image below).

FBS styles general

FBS mobi general styles

Alter fields in this section  to set colours and font styles as desired.



Click + adjacent to section title to expand if required (see image below).

FBS styles buttons

FBS mobi styles buttons

Set button labels, hover tips, colours and font styles as desired.


On completion of all fields, select 'Next' button to proceed to Advanced Filters tab.

Field completion instructions below.

Bypass Extras

Allow Same Day?: Check if you wish to allow same day bookings.

Bypass Extras?: De-checking means extras will be sold with accommodation on mobile devices, ticked means the extras page will be bypassed.

Adult is Required in Every Room?: Default state is checked.

De-checking means you will allow rooms to be booked without an adult. You can still specify that there must be an adult in each booking (see below).

Required in Booking: Select 'Adult' (default state) or 'Adult or Child'.

On completion of all fields, select 'Next' button to proceed to Custom Scripts tab.

Field completion instructions below.


FBS mobi custom fields

Complete custom fields if you wish to add further fields to the booking screen which will be included in the booking record.


FBS mobi tracking

Google Analytics ID: Enter if applicable and check 'Ecommerce Tracking'.

Customise CSS: Enter custom CSS if desired.

Entry of custom CSS should not be attempted unless you have at least a fundamental knowledge of CSS.

View our library of commonly requested CSS script.

Step Action
4 On completion of all booking template tabs click  Save Mobile Template button (lower right of screen)