Video Demonstration

Step by Step Instructions

Below are instructions to embed (iframe) or popup link (new window launch) for a booking screen template in your website.

Step Action
1 From left menu, Website Feed group select 'Search/Maintain Booking Screens'.

You will be presented with a list of available booking screen templates. See example image below.

FBS templates list
2  Click on Generate Code button for required template.
3  Set any filter fields if required (and not already set within the template itself) and click Show iFrame Code button.
4  Copy displayed code into your website booking page or provide to your website developer to embed code for you.

Step Action
1 From left menu, Website Feed group select 'Search/Maintain Booking Screens'.

You will be presented with a list of available booking screen templates. See example image below.

FBS templates list
2  Click on Generate Code button for required template.
3  Set any filter fields if required (and not already set within the template itself) and click Show popup link button.
4  Copy embdedded URL  code into your website (amending link text as required) or provide to your website developer to add code for you.

Step Action
1 From left menu, Website Feed group select 'Search/Maintain Booking Screens'.

You will be presented with a list of available booking screen templates. See example image below.

FBS templates list
2 Note ID of both default template (11 in our example above) and any other specific template ID required.
3 Log into website administration.
4 From menu select Theme Options > iBex Config.
5 At field Template ID enter default booking template ID.In our example above we would enter 11.
6 Open or create new booking page.
7 In Page Attributes section (in right panel) set field Template as iBex Booking.There may be variations such as iBex Booking (no header), iBex Booking (featured header), etc.
8 In Booking Template Settings (in right panel) enter specific booking template ID into field Template ID.If using default template ID as set in step 5 above this step can be ignored and field left blank.
9 In Booking Template Settings (in right panel) enter agent code into Agent ID field (if applicable).Agent IDs can help track bookings from different websites and/or landing pages.
10 Click page Update button.
11 We recommend website cache is cleared - click here for instructions.