PMS users only - This functionality needs to activated in your account so please contact your support team if you want this functionality.

Any customer or company that is saved in your iBex database can have an account where you can transfer payments from and to. An example of when you may use the account is when a booking is cancelled and they want to use any monies already paid for their next stay.

You will know if a customer has an account as whenever you make a payment from that customer, iBex will advise if they have an available balance as shown below:

Customer balance

If you have the functionality activated in your account and a balance is not shown then it means that the customer is not saved in your database so you will need to add them if required.


  1. When making a payment, select the company or customer as the Paid in by option.
  2. In the Payment Method, select From Account.

    Payment Method
  3. Enter the amount and any reference or comment.
  4. Click Save.

You will then see that the payment has been added to the Customer Balance and their Available Balance would now be amended accordingly.

Tip - As with making a refund, you can add a positive or negative amount to an account which will act like a debit or credit.

Customer creditWhenever that company or customer then makes their next booking, iBex will notify you of their balance in the Finance tab of the booking as shown in the bottom of the example on the right.

If you wanted to use that credit as a payment towards another booking, you would add the payment for the amount of 72 to be taken From Account (as advised above).

To check where that credit came from, you can click on the link to the Customer Payments Balance and you will be directed to the Payments tab within the Customer's database where you will be provided with a full record of the customer's payments with the option of viewing individual payment details by clicking on the Payment ID number.

